Bladeflex is designed to re-train your muscle memory and provide lasting health benefits that can be achieved through movements. By providing resistance training on your upper body through movements, you will find your postural muscles will adapt and over time develop your posture into better form.
We have provided some guidelines and best practices for you to work through while wearing the Bladeflex. This guide will give you a good start to your transformation and adding in new exercises as you go will provide you with lasting results.


Chest Stretch
Stretching your chest will help ease the strain on your shoulders. As your posture is correcting, the tight chest muscles will want to pull the shoulders forward. Try to perform this chest stretch every day on both arms for best results.
(1) Stand beside a wall with your arm bent at a 90-degree angle at chest height. (2) Lean into the wall, looking slightly away from your chest to increase the stretch. (3) Hold the stretch for thirty seconds. (4) Try doing a second, deeper stretch for an additional thirty seconds. (5) Repeat for the other arm.
To further the stretch in your shoulder blade, try keeping your elbow on the wall while slowly bringing your hand off. You may also want to straighten your arm for a deeper bicep stretch.

Thoracic Twist
(1) Lay on your side with your legs and hips at 90-degree angles, while having your arms straight in front with palms touching.
(2) Keeping your lower body and bottom arm stationary, rotate your torso by bringing your top arm up and over your body until it rests flat on the opposite side of your body on the floor. (3) Turn your head in the direction of your top arm for an additional stretch. (4) Hold this position for thirty seconds. (5) Repeat for the other side.

Cobra Stretch
(1) Lay flat on the ground with your hands in a push-up position. (2) Keeping your legs straight and thighs on the ground, push your upper body up with your arms until you feel a stretch in your back. (3) Hold for ten seconds, keeping your head
slightly up and shoulders down.

Arms Extended Child's Pose
(1) Start with your butt touching your heels while reaching out in front of you with straight arms. (2) Bring your forehead to touch the ground. (3) Continue to reach forward with your arms while remaining seated on your heels for ten seconds. (4) Try lengthening your spine further by crawling your hands further out while staying seated on your heels.

Thoracic Wall Extension
(1) Standing far enough away from the wall to lengthen the spine when reaching forward, press your palms against the wall. (2) With minimal force, allow your spine to pull down towards the ground, lengthening the spine and creating a slight curve in your back. (3) Hold for ten seconds.
You should feel the stretch along your spine. This will also help open your chest.

Upper Trap
(1) Sit in a chair with an upright posture. (2) Slowly, bring your right ear towards your right shoulder until you feel a slight stretch in your left, upper trap. (3) Hold for thirty seconds. (4) Try a deeper stretch by gently pulling your head further towards your shoulder. (5) Repeat on the opposite side.

Levator Scap
(1) Sit in a chair with an upright position. (2) Turn your head right. (3) Slowly, lower head to feel a stretch down the back, left side of your neck. (4) Hold for thirty seconds. (5) Try a deeper stretch by holding your head and gently pulling it down and to the right with your hand.
Target different muscles by turning your head further to the right. (6) Repeat on the opposite side.

Chin Tuck
(1) Sit in a chair with an upright position. (2) Place your fingers on your chin. (3) Gently, push you chin towards your neck. (4) Hold for thirty seconds. (5) Try a second deeper stretch by applying slightly more pressure.

This core exercise is a great way to stabilize your lower back. (1) Start in a push-up position. (2) Keep your stomach tucked in and engaged. Don’t allow the buttock to drop down, keeping the body relatively parallel to ground. (3) Your shoulders should be in-line with your wrists and not allowing your body to drop down. Start by holding this pose for 30-60 seconds.